Speak with our Commercial lawyers for your commercial contract requirements.

What is a Licensing Agreement?

Licensing Agreements relate to intellectual property and allow one party, known as the Licencee, to make use of that intellectual property in a manner stipulated by the owner of the intellectual property, known as the Licensor.

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    What is the advantage of Licensing Agreements?

    • Owners can benefit from their intellectual property.
    • Licencees can utilise intellectual property not belonging to them.
    • Effective way of settling intellectual property disputes.

    How much does a Licensing Agreements cost?

    We like to offer fixed fees wherever we can, so please contact us to for confirmation of price:

    • To create a Licensing Agreement, our prices begin from £600.00.
    • To review an existing Licensing Agreement, our prices begin from £300.00.
    • To negotiate a Licensing Agreement with another party or their legal representatives, our prices begin from £450.00.

    What are Software Licence Agreements?

    Software Licence Agreements are a form of Licensing Agreement and allow one party, the Licencee,  the right to use software developed, created or supplied by another party, known as the Licensor. Speak with one of our Commercial Contract lawyers today to find out how Software Licences can support your business.

    How do I get started?

    1. We’ll ask you to sign and return our Client Care Letter and to place monies on account.
    2. Depending on your availability, we’ll schedule a call within 7 working days, to take your instructions and learn about your business.
    3. We’ll aim to provide you with a first draft 7 workings days after taking your instructions.
    4. Once we receive your feedback, we’ll send you a final version of your Licencing Agreement, ready for your business to use.


    • Review an existing Agency Agreement
    • Provide a legal opinion and summary of key clauses
    • No amendments


    • Review an existing Franchise Agreement
    • Make amendments to the document
    • Correspond with the other party’s solicitors


    • Create a new Franchise Agreement
    • We’ll prepare a first draft for you to review and provide feedback
    • We’ll incorporate any amendments and provide you with a second and final version.